la fièvre exotique

la fièvre exotique WCP Washington City Paper Paul Gauguin Louis Jacobson Kriston Capps Ian Svenonius Gauguin Ma examen de Gauguin: Maker of Myth est dans cette semaine Washington City Paper.

Lire le morceau ici.

Also in this week’s WCP: Kriston Capps and Louis Jacobson reflect on the passing of Fraser Gallery in Bethesda.

Read that story ici; lire Lenny Campello‘s extended remix of the hows and whys ici.

Et, while you’re at it: I don’t see how you can pass up the opportunity to read WCP Arts Editor Jonathan Fischer’s curious cover story featuring tales from Ian Svenonius‘S Bruise Cruise, a garage rock weekend invasion of a Carnival cruise ship, featuring nine bands–y compris Surfer Blood et Vivian Girls–et 380 tattoo-and-jorts-clad fans.

Pour tout savoir sur elle ici.

Photo: Paul Gauguin, Te Rerioa (The Dream), huile sur toile, 1897

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